Monday, March 19, 2012

Fitting everything in

My card sorting activity turned out well. I got data from half my user group. It was interesting to find that when I standardized the similar categories, all but one user sorted the documentation into project management process groups, rather than the project management phases that were originally suggested. I’m sure that I know who that one user is that likes things organized into PMI phases. She is always willing to give her input on what I’m working on, which I really do appreciate. But I am realizing how important having data and numbers is in creating something useful for the majority, not just the most vocal. Numbers are also really helpful in separating my personal thoughts from anyone who might disagree.

I planned to work my normal schedule during spring break, but ended up taking one day off when both my supervisors recommended it. They were both planning to be off and said that I had to enjoy my last spring break. It was really nice today when I came in and found that the coworkers that sit in the cubes surrounding me seemed like they had missed me. I feel like I’m really starting to fit in around there. Today I went for coffee with a project manager who was really complimentary of my work and recommended I talk to my field supervisor about openings at the company that might be a fit for me. I was really excited about that, and am planning to bring it up when I meet with him on Thursday. I think it would be a great company to work for.

Energized after this development and the coffee, I finished with everything that I could do until I get some more documents from some project managers that haven’t gotten back to me yet. I had seen in some meeting notes (that I put up on the wiki) that one of the things that had been deemed “out of scope” for my project was a wiki section on retainer managing so I got permission to move ahead with this until I can finish what I started. I am pretty sure I can get this project I started today done in addition to those things that were within the scope. This should be a good thing to report just before I ask about a job for myself.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, it does sound great! I'm glad that you are fitting in and enjoying it at this company. and it is always nice to see that others appreciate your work. Good job! and super that you are doing some extra work beyond the scope - should help in making a good impression.
